Should you store spices in a glass or plastic container?

If you have observed the home kitchen, there are two essential containers. Glass and plastic. Both serve as a shelter for perfectly storing spices, sweets, or other kitchen products.


Do you have plans for the storage of spices? The very first question comes out; Where should I store my spices? Are plastic containers better than glass?


Today, we have closed this discussion by exploring glass and plastic containers in more depth. Ready to evolve more? Let’s talk about it.


Why should you even store the spices?

Before you even store the spices, think for a moment. Why don’t you place them on the shelf without any boxes? Do they survive?

Storage boxes devise new strategies for better aroma and shelf life. Here are a few points you should know.


  • Preservation of aroma. 


Spices are added to food just for their classy aroma and excellent flavors. What if these flavors get affected? Indeed, the chefs will abandon using the spices.


Well, a storage container helps maintain this aroma. It keeps the environmental exposure miles away. No external factor can destroy the aroma. Moreover, no algae or fungus growth can pose health risks.


  • Elevated storage life


Usually, the spices don’t last longer. In a week or less, you can destroy them by placing them in the environment.


However, the elevated shelf life is the first thing that impresses the consumers. The better storage life is due to:


  • No moisturization creates a perfect environment without decaying the spices.
  • The optimal temperature helps maintain the lifespan. 
  • There is no impact on the external environment. So, your spices remain in their original condition for many months.


  • Prevention of contamination


Contamination is a massive issue for consumers. When there is a rainy season, the humidity can penetrate the spices and influence their appearance.


The mold growth or fungus starts spurting out of it. The result?


Contaminated spices lead to decreased lifespan. Moreover, the flavor also changes dramatically within days.


  • Cost-Effective solutions


Do you have expensive spices? Well, deploy the right storage system. Glass containers aren’t available in the trade of fortune. Their affordable costs can save you in terms of storage and purchasing quality solutions.

Moreover, the premium quality of glass can further boost the protection of your spices in the container.


  • Excellent nutritional values


Spices have excellent nutritional value. Some key ingredients include vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. They are essential for the human body and provide safety from toxic materials.

With preserved spices, these elements remain in the same original conditions. So, you can harness them and get the health benefits by using them for your body and mind.


Decisive Factors when storing spices

A few environmental factors can compromise the quality when storing the spices in plastic or glass containers. You must keep them miles away or choose a packaging option that fits their needs.


  • Light 


Do you know the biggest enemy of the spices? It is no other than the light. The scorching light can suck the flavor out of the spices. Over time, they start losing their glamor and might smell bad. The only solution in this case is to grab a tinted glass or plastic container that remains intact.


  • Heat 


The scorching summer heat is also toxic to the flavors and aroma of the spices. As the temperature increases, flavor starts leaving the spices. So, store your spices in a cool place with the optimal temperature ranges.


  • Air


Air entry brings the most significant battle to save the flavors of the spices. Either keep the jars from the air, which seems impossible. However, you can consider airtight materials like glass jars that don’t let air pass through them.


  • Moisture 


Moisture does nothing but mold growth. Mold can eat your spices and add bad smells to your spices. Try the possible solution by deploying the airtight seal materials. Glass avoids air and moisture entry into the jars.


Glass vs Plastic Containers; A detailed Overview of features for spice storage


Though a hectic discussion, we know that glass and plastic materials are the top competitors. However, consumers remain confused about whether the glass is better for spice storage.


Let’s end this debate by comparing the pros and cons of each material packaging.


Factor Glass Containers Plastic Containers
Material Composition Non-porous and inert Porous.
Airtight Sealing Effective airtight seals Ineffective seals
Light Protection Typically opaque or tinted Generally transparent
Durability Highly durable and resistant to scratches. Prone to scratching.
Environmental Impact 100% recyclable Less  eco-friendly


  • Reactivity 


Interaction with the storage material is nowadays a debate. Some materials are reactive and aggressively impact the quality of food or spices.


Glass is chemically inert. It doesn’t react with all the materials you want to store. Whether you store spices for one month or a year, they remain in the original condition with the same aroma as when they were stored. Such a facility keeps you entertained during storage times.


Plastic is also inert, but not all the time. Sometimes, it might react with the stored spices and mingle with their aroma. Sometimes, the smells come out of plastic containers. Cross-contamination of oil and scent from the spices can be a problem.


  • Airtight Sealing 


As we already have highlighted the cruciality of moisturization, an airtight seal is the most prominent defender. It doesn’t let moisture or air enter the boxes. The result is a better shelf life and original taste for many months.


Let’s compare the plastic and glass by highlighting their airtight sealing features.

Glass is a robust material that can block any force within the limits. No air or moisture can penetrate through its surface. Whether you store spices or other products, they don’t decay. There are no risks of mold growth as well. This superpower remains for many years until the glass breaks.


Plastic is undoubtedly a robust material and keeps moisture away. But how long? Once its shape alters, you can expect decreased strength and less extensive durability. So, moisture and air can pass through your spices, affecting their quality and taste.


  • Light Protection 


Light exposure influences the flavors of the spices. Avoid placing your boxes in the sunlight or use a better packaging option than glass and plastic.


Glass is a 100% transparent material in our homes. But don’t worry; kitchens have recently started using tinted boxes. You can elevate its elegance by crafting new designs and fastening the labels externally. It will not only block the sunlight but also promise long-lasting performance. Therefore, spices remain protected for extended periods.


If you are wondering the same about plastic containers, forget such tinted surfaces. First of all, plastic boxes are 100% transparent. Moreover, they are less likely to retain the stains and tints to block the sunlight. That is why plastic is now rarely part of our kitchen storage materials. Combined with other side effects, plastic packaging is less impactful in this case.


  • Durability 


Take a look at both materials and test their durability against stress. For example, drop your spice box from a height of one to two meters. What do you expect?


Glass is an excellent material in terms of durability. It doesn’t break easily. However, when you exceed the force limits, it breaks up quickly. Moreover, it is not prone to scratches and remains smooth upon application of force. Furthermore, it retains the same flavors of the spices even after multiple stresses.


Compact to it, plastic is not brittle but prone to scratches marks. Moreover, it doesn’t provide surface consistency, leading to deformed shapes. Sometimes, grooves pop up in the corners, trapping the spices. It can create a hassle for the users as well. Cracks and scratches affect the external glamor of your boxes.


  • Environmental Impact


Do you need an eco-friendly solution for spice storage? Well, nowadays, we all want to elevate the beauty of our environment and minimize the impact of toxic materials on the environment.


Glass is a sustainable material with 109% recyclability. Guess what? You can recycle it infinite times without losing the quality. Every time, it delivers the extensive storage potential for the spices. Such a solution is physically strengthful and positively impacts the environment.


On the other hand, plastic is a non-biodegradable material. It is also notorious for its cancerous influence on humans. Would you like to use such a toxic material for spice storage? However, plastic is also recycled depending on the type and material composition. However, quality changes occur depending on the amount of recycling.



Choosing glass is 100 times better than choosing plastic. But you must consider the prices, quality, and your budget. When everything meets your needs, bag the top-class glass products.


Do you want a variety of glass jars? 


Contact the top glass suppliers in the town, Ruisheng Glass Manufacturers. We manufacture premium quality glass and help users deploy it for spice storage. Bring in a longer shelf life to your kitchens. Try our glass products right away!