How to Store Spirits: The Best Strategies for Storing Liquor

Spirits might lose their quality and taste. Some factors might be responsible for this: contaminants, heat, light, and oxygen. When storing liquor, you must focus on a few factors. And this article is all about storing spirits.

Before introducing how to store spirits, let’s learn some consequences of improper storing.

Alcohol boils faster than water, it is true. Its boiling temperature is 173 degrees Fahrenheit, while water’s is 272. In Celsius, it is 78 and 100 degrees Celsius. Note that high heat can expand and evaporate alcohol. Therefore, you must store your spirits in an optimum temperature area.

Light, especially sunlight, is another factor here. It may break down the chemical compounds in spirits and change their flavor. On the other hand, oxygen may oxidize the liquor molecules and change its quality and taste.

Besides the above three factors, storing liquor in the right bottle is crucial. The bottle’s material and design also affect the spirit’s quality. Glass is always preferred over plastic, as Glass is inert.

Whether you are a distiller or a casual enthusiast, you must know how to store alcohol. This article will highlight the proper strategies for storing liquor.

How to Store Spirits: The Best Strategies for Storing Liquor

Many people believe that spirits have an indefinite shelf life. However, some liquor may last a while, and others may not last as long as expected. In this case, accurately storing liquor is very important. If you can do it properly, you can enjoy your liquor for a long time. This section gives you some hints on how to store liquor safely.

Choose a Secured Place

glass bottle manufacturer

Safety is always a concern for alcoholics. As you know, they are more prone to burning items. There are several steps that you can take into account.

(1) Store alcohol away from accidental spills or falls. As you know, most bottles are made of Glass, which can fall and break easily.

(2) Keep and store alcohol away from children and pets. Otherwise, breaking glass bottles might create health hazards for children and pets.

(3) Choose a safe cabinet, free from external damage and away from heat and light sources. High heat may degrade the quality of the liquor, and sunlight or bright light may degrade its color.

(4) Choosing a basement or cellar with an almost unchanging temperature would be the best.

Keeping Liquor Cool and Out of Light

Heat and light are the biggest concerns here. They may affect the quality and taste of your liquor, so you must ensure a controlled space when storing spirits.

According to various experts, the best temperature for storing liquor is between 15°C and 21°C (60°F to 70°F). Always choose a cool and dark place to store liquor.

You can find this place in your house or anywhere. Ensure the temperature stays constant. FYI: Experts do not recommend environments that are too hot or cold.

You can choose your house’s basement or an interior closet. Just make sure the area is away from direct sunlight. You can also use curtains or shades to block out any lights.

Store Liquor in a Bottle Tightly and Sealed

As you know, alcohol, especially white wines, can be oxidized by air particles. To avoid this, you will need a tight seal. This strategy preserves the quality and aroma of the liquor and is also suitable for safety.

Also, a sealed bottle does not spill, which can be messy. This way of storing liquor is especially crucial when traveling so it won’t leak into your bag.

Note that different types of liquor need different types of sealing. For example, some bottles offer screw caps, while others have snap lids and corks.

Selecting the Right Bottles


The best way to store liquor is by choosing the right bottle. The material and design matter here a lot. You can consider various factors when selecting the right bottle.

The bottle you choose can affect the taste and durability of the liquor. High-quality bottles help preserve the flavor and aroma of the spirits.

For example, Glass is the preferred material for storing liquor. It is non-reactive and does not alter the taste of the liquor. However, if you choose plastic bottles, they may leach chemicals into the spirits over time, affecting the liquor’s taste and flavor.

On the other hand, design also matters here. For example, a narrow-neck bottle reduces exposure to air, technically reducing the risk of oxidation.


How to Choose the Right Liquor Bottles?

When selecting a liquor bottle, always make sure you are taking glass bottles and a reputed brand. Choose Ruishengglass as your trusted partner. This company is a leading manufacturer of various types of glass bottles, especially for liquors. They have regular supplies in most countries in the world.

(1) Glass is always preferred since it is the best choice for long-term storage.

(2) Clear glasses are ideal for showcasing various liquors. You can choose colored Glass, which can provide more protection to lights.

(3) Choose a size that matches your consumption rate. The article “Most Popular Liquor Bottle Sizes” provides some ideas about different sizes of liquor bottles.

(4) The shape of the bottle also matters. For example, bottles with slim necks are better as they reduce the opening surface area. This gives a premium look and helps preserve the liquor’s quality.

(5) One of the most important factors to consider is the type of closure. There are three main types: cork, screw, and synthetic cork. All three types offer excellent air-tight seals.

To Freeze or Not to Freeze

Some people may like to store liquor in the freezer. Well, then, you are doing it wrong. Note that our regular fridge doesn’t freeze the alcohol. You might think this is okay, but it isn’t. The low temperature may mute the original taste of liquor.

Occasionally, people love using ice cubes with liquors, like cocktails. In fact, it balances the flavors of the liquor. Experts always suggest storing liquor at room temperature.

Avoid Storing Upside Down

Experts typically do not recommend storing liquor upside down for several reasons. (1) It can do cork damage. (2) When bottles are stored upside down, the alcohol stays in contact with the cork. You know, alcohol is a strong solvent and can gradually erode the cork. Over time, this can cause the cork to break down, crumble, or lose its sealing capabilities.

Why Do You Care Correctly Storing Liquor?

There are four main reasons to care about storing liquor properly. Proper storage preserves flavor, ensures quality, reduces waste, and improves aesthetic appeal. As a distiller, supplier, or enthusiast, this can help you get the best taste for every shot.

(1) When alcohol is stored, it is not exposed to heat, light, or oxygen. As a result, the liquor can retain its original taste and aroma.

(2) Proper storage maintains liquor’s quality, prevents spoilage, and keeps the drink safe for drinking.

(3) Proper liquor storage can avoid spoilage or evaporation due to heat. This means proper storage ensures almost no wastage.

(4) By storing liquor correctly, you can improve the liquor’s aesthetic appeal. You can present it in your home bar or liquor cabinet. This can be a point of pride for many people.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can spirits be stored?

The timeframe for storing spirits depends on your storage methods. Usually, you can store spirits for 1 to 3 years in your house. However, if you have maintained the proper storing of liquor, you can store them for decades.

Open bottles are more prone to oxidation, so consuming them within a few years is better for the best taste. But you must ensure you have closed the opening properly after every shot.

Does vodka expire?

In the traditional sense, vodka doesn’t expire. You can easily blend vodka with other liquors. It is always a favorite option in every bar. Vodka doesn’t oxide and is unfuzzy. Therefore, there is no risk of expiring of vodka.

Is it okay to keep whisky in the fridge?

It is generally not recommended to keep whisky in the fridge. You can cool your whisky, but ensure you don’t do it too cold. Otherwise, whisky may become cloudy inside the bottle. The freezing temperatures may dull the whisky’s flavors and aromas.

Experts always recommend storing liquor at room temperature in a cool, dark place. The best temperature for this job is between 15°C and 21°C (60°F to 70°F).


Let’s wrap everything up! In this article, you learned six ways how to store liquor bottles.

(1) Choose a secured place that is away from accidents and impacts.

(2) Always choose a cool and dark place for storing liquor.

(3) Try to store liquor in a bottle tightly with caps.

(4) Always choose safe bottles for storing liquor; glass bottles are always the best option.

(5) Do not put your liquor in the freeze.

(6) Do not store alcohol upside down.


Following these six strategies, you can enjoy every shot with the highest taste and aroma. If you are looking for a glass bottle manufacturer, contact us today.